What I've been thinking...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

I believe something needs to happen. I believing something is already happening. I thought I'd try to summerize where I stand in my thoughts right now, just so you know. I'd love to discuss, to be opposed, or to be challanged by anything I say. This is a process and I don't want to be hasty in thought or opinion, but know where I'm at, its all still in question, and know that I have no idea where the end will be. Some is just adding to a lot of what fable of the bees has already said.

I currently believe that our potential as humans lies in our ability to relate with one another. Relationship is our purpose and should be our goal. Naturally there seems to be this desire within all of us to obtain more than what we have. I believe that their are two main roads that can take. One, to achieve more for your "self", and two, to achieve deeper understanding of relating with others. I believe we are going down the wrong road, and we are getting further and further away from our relational potential. Ideals of individualism, maximizing profit, consumerism and competition are so ingrained as the values of our capitalist western culture - values that have slowly drawn, and that are continuing to draw us away from focus on community, people, and relationships. It is so much a part of who we are that we negotiate it as the norm and allow it to blind us from, what I believe, is our natural inherent potential for relationship. Generally speaking, i believe we are killing ourselves - getting so caught up in a system of self, that we are losing oursleves. I don't believe that the solution is to come up with a set of how-to instructions to re-shape your life, or to dictate to others how they need to change. Nothing with "how-to", but questioning the "why we's", and stimulating that thought in others to see outside our boxes, and deepening the understanding of our relational selves. Challange how we think, and hopefully find and renew deep value in relationship as the base for how we live in whatever system we have. We can't let things continue as they are.

Some more questions:
- Why?
- Do we need to actually change the current system, or just how we think about it?
- Globalization. How do/can we negoitate with it?
- How do you genuinely reach the masses to really understand and seek the need for a change in thinking?
- What does that change look like?
- What are we thinking, what are people thinking, who else is thinking but not telling anyone?


Blogger Jillian said...

i like this. there has to be some kind of incentive that stimulates people to change their way of thought... perhaps mystery of the other is the key. i'm excited that you brought this up.

1:36 p.m.  

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